Earlier this year some colleagues and I, from Taylor James, began work on a pro-bono project for the Euston Foodbank. The bank, located next to Euston Station, is run independently but is supported by The Tussell Trust who aids and operates many food banks throughout the country. 

Work on this project had to be fitted in in and around live work so progress was slow going. Despite this, and just in time for Christmas, we've been able to finish the first part of what will hopefully be a series of further videos to come in the new year. 

Until then, I would urge all of you to find your nearest foodbank and give what ever you can. Foodbanks are constantly in need of both donations and volunteers, and this is especially true during the Christmas period. So even if its just a few tins of soup or packets of pasta that you have kicking around in your cupboard, all will be gratefully received and appreciated.

I'd like to thank all of the foodbank's volunteers and clients who helped with this project and were happy to appear on camera, and in particular, i'd like to thank the foodbank's coordinator, Dorothea Hackman, for all of her help and support on the project. I'd also like to acknowledge my colleges Mark and Sarah for their time, energy and hard work on this project.
