
We Demand Better


We Demand Better is a shot documentary of the TUC march in June of 2022 featuring some a selection of the speeches given on the day.


Autumn Colours


Autumn Colours

Autumn Colours is a companion piece to my earlier film Snow Day. Once again, I took a short walk through the heathland and woodland of Mousehold Heath in Norwich. This time during autumn which, despite being warm weather person, is actually my favourite season. If I have the time, perhaps I’ll capture the heath during spring and summer for the full set. But we will see. As well as the film, I also composed the music.

I shot this film using my BMPCC 4K, Olympus M.Zuiko 12-40mm Lens and DJI Ronin-S Gimble. I shot BRAW 12/1 and used Davinci Resolve for all editing and colour grade.





While visiting friends in Paris for NYE, my partner and I took a walk up to Sacré-Cœur. As usual I took my Pocket 4K with me and captured some of the life and scenery there. As you will see it was utterly packed, so we didn’t go inside. But it was a nice trip none the less.

For the tech heads, I shot using my BMPCC 4K with the Olympus M.Zuiko 12-40mm Lens. I shot everything in BRAW 12:1 and used Davinci Resolve for all editing and colour grade.


Snow Day


Snow Day

A short walk through a snow covered heathland and woodland in February.

I shot this film using my BMPCC 4K, Olympus M.Zuiko 12-40mm Lens and DJI Ronin-S Gimble. I shot BRAW 12/1 and used Davinci Resolve for all editing and colour grade.


Horsey Seals


Horsey Seals

During the Christmas break I took a trip up to Horsey on the Norfolk coast where every year, between November and February, thousands of grey seals arrive to give birth and nurse their pups. It’s quite a site and this was my first time seeing it. As always, I took my camera along with me and created a short film of what I captured there. Even without the seals the coastline and surrounding countryside are stunning sights, so the film above is part wildlife film and part landscape photography.

During this time the beach is closed to the public for both the safety of the seals and visitors, however, viewing areas and roped off pathways are there for visitors. While there, my girlfriend and I made sure to keep on the roped off path and to keep our distance from any animals that had strayed onto these paths. Even when one very curious seal approached us, we made sure to give it it’s space and to make sure we didn’t touch it. As is mentioned in the film, if you do intend to visit the seals at Horsey please visit the Friends of Horsey Seals website. Here you’ll find information on what to do and not to do while visiting.

For the kit enthusiasts, this was shot on my BMPCC 4K using the 5/1 BRAW. The lens is the Olympus M.Zuiko ED 12-40mm F/2.8 Pro. All editing, titles and colour grading were done in Davinci.


Marée Basse


Marée Basse

While visiting family in Brittany last year, my girlfriend and I were taken out during low tide to go hunting for crabs and any other life that can be found by the water. As always, I took my camera with me and, out of what I captured, I created this short documentary. As with all of my travel films I also created an original piece of music to accompany it.

This is just one of the many things that I shot during my visit, but with all of the chaos of this year I have only really begun to dive into what was shot. This will hopefully be the first of many little vignettes from my trip.

For the kit enthusiasts, this was shot on my BMPCC 4K using the 12/1 BRAW. The lens is the Olympus M.Zuiko ED 12-40mm F/2.8 Pro. All editing, titles and colour grading were done in Davinci.


St Anne's Church // Soup Kitchen & Drop-In Cafe


St Anne's Church // Soup Kitchen & Drop-In Cafe

A colleague and I recently had the pleasure of working with the wonderful people at St Anne’s Church in Hoxton to produce a short charity film. It was produced with Taylor James to help highlight the work and projects of St Anne’s, and to encourage donations and boost volunteering during the winter months. Like all parish churches, they are heavily involved in their community and provide many services for the local area and the people within. But it was their soup kitchen, drop in cafe and winter night shelter that brought them to our attention. As anyone who lives or works in or around Hoxton will know, the issues of homelessness and food poverty are sadly very real.

It’s no secret that both homelessness and food poverty are on the rise in the UK, and it’s during the winter months that people are particularly vulnerable. The work of organisations like St Anne’s Church is invaluable in caring for the vulnerable and, most importantly, providing a safe space. St Anne’s is always in need of monetary donations, as well as food, volunteers and clothing. So if you live or work nearby, and are able, please drop by and give what you can. You’ll find all of the information you need on their website here.

But wherever you live, there will be a night shelter, soup kitchen or food bank desperately in need of help. Times are tough and money can be particularly tight around Christmas but, if you are able, anything you give will be greatly appreciated. You may even meet some very pleasant and inspiring people on the way.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Father Christopher, and all of the coordinators and volunteers at St Anne’s for giving their time for this project. I’d also like to thank my producer, Sara Alam, for all of her hard work.

Merry Christmas everyone.


March For Windrush


March For Windrush

On Saturday the 5th of may a gathering took place outside downing street followed by a march to the Home Office in support of the Windrush generation and to protest the Home Office's "Hostile Environment" policy. I went along to capture the event and to record some of the excellent speeches. This film contains an edited collection of some of those speeches. Unfortunately there were many that I was unable to adequately capture audio for so if you are at all interested in this event I highly recommend searching online to find them.





In October of last year, I had the opportunity to visit a place that I'd been dreaming about for more than five years; and that place is Iceland. I can happily say that it lived up to all my expectations and delivered many surprises as well. The landscape is stunning and incredibly diverse, and the people that I met were incredibly friendly.

Although my girlfriend and I were there for 6 days on this seemingly small island, we managed to just scratch the surface of what Iceland had to offer. We intend to return there someday, if anything, just to see the Northern Lights that we were unable to see due to weather conditions. But believe me, even if you go there almost solely to see the Lights, you will find so much more.

Whilst I was there, I shot a large amount of video and time-lapse photography - 5 hours’ worth in fact. Given more time, I could have easily shot a lot more footage. At times, it was difficult to know where and what to shoot first granted how photogenic the scenery was. Anyway, I finally found time to trawl through the rushes to cut together this short film documenting our trip.

For those who are interested, regarding the video portions of this film, I used the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera shooting ProRes 422 HQ in film mode with a combination of Lumix and Olympus prime lenses. As for the time-lapse photography, I used the Canon 80D shooting RAW with the Sigma 18-35mm lens.

I hope you enjoy.




Euston Foodbank


Euston Foodbank

Earlier this year some colleagues and I, from Taylor James, began work on a pro-bono project for the Euston Foodbank. The bank, located next to Euston Station, is run independently but is supported by The Tussell Trust who aids and operates many food banks throughout the country. 

Work on this project had to be fitted in in and around live work so progress was slow going. Despite this, and just in time for Christmas, we've been able to finish the first part of what will hopefully be a series of further videos to come in the new year. 

Until then, I would urge all of you to find your nearest foodbank and give what ever you can. Foodbanks are constantly in need of both donations and volunteers, and this is especially true during the Christmas period. So even if its just a few tins of soup or packets of pasta that you have kicking around in your cupboard, all will be gratefully received and appreciated.

I'd like to thank all of the foodbank's volunteers and clients who helped with this project and were happy to appear on camera, and in particular, i'd like to thank the foodbank's coordinator, Dorothea Hackman, for all of her help and support on the project. I'd also like to acknowledge my colleges Mark and Sarah for their time, energy and hard work on this project.
